After waiting for the market to rise for an afternoon, it finally got going again in the evening. The overall market of the big cake went out of the floating space of about 1,500 points in the evening, and the high point is currently 71,824. The market of the concubine is not very large in comparison, and the floating space does not exceed 50 points, so the holding force is naturally limited. But overall, it is still a day of takeoff. A total of big cake and concubine Sanbiduo Danbuju were given, and finally 635+988+22 points of space were won. The other short strings also held strong. The details will not be elaborated. Friends who pay attention are clear; this momentum is very nice. If it continues, the total holding points this week should not be a problem, and it will move towards the peak again.

After the market reached a new high in the evening, it has now been partially retested. The new pressure level above is still relatively strong after the high, but this is only an appearance; since the market reached 70,000, countless people have been ready to copy the top, and it is now close to 72,000, so where is the top? At present, the kinetic energy of the Duo head is both jumpy and continuous, and the plate surface structure is also healthy, and the Duo will be over at midnight.

Big cake: 70700-71200 Duo, look at 72500

Aunt: 3775-3800 Duo, look at 3850#5月非农数据即将公布 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 $BTC $ETH $BNB