I told you guys about 71780, the small non-agricultural bullish, and now the impact has begun. Ethereum will see whether it can break through the 3850 area in the early morning. If it breaks through, it will be a direct surge📈📈📈

This wave is another public advance warning of a big surge. What else is there to do? Listen to my rush ETH, rush, rush🤩 The 3720 position has been called for a week. I myself bought tens of millions of people, and then posted an article that 200,000 people saw, and 200,000 people got on the bus with me. The dog dealer saw so many people getting on the bus and had to wash it for a few more days. This wave washed me badly🤣 Don’t disclose this kind of key position in the future. What are you waiting for? Follow me, free market analysis every day is countless times more useful than adding other teachers and those garbage VIPs🤣#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来?