Nine ways to make money in the cryptocurrency circle: If you can skillfully use three of them, you can easily make 1 million U!


1. Hoarding method: Applicable to bull and bear markets.

The hoarding method is the simplest but also the most difficult strategy. The simplest part is that you just need to buy certain currencies and then hold them for half a year or more without doing anything. Usually, the minimum return can reach ten times. However, novices often want to change or sell currencies because they see high returns or a sharp drop in currency prices. It is difficult for many people to stick to not operating for a month, let alone a year, which is why this is the most difficult part.


2. Bull market chasing method: only applicable to bull markets.

Use idle money that does not exceed one-fifth of the total funds. This strategy is suitable for currencies ranked between 20 and 100 in market value, because at least they will not be stuck for a long time. For example, if you buy a copycat coin, wait for it to rise by 50% or more, then you can exchange it for another coin that has plummeted, and so on. If your first copycat coin is stuck, then keep waiting, and the bull market will definitely unblock it. But the premise is that the selected currency cannot be too bad. This strategy is actually not easy to control, and novices need to operate with caution.

3. Hourglass car-changing method: applicable to bull market.

In a bull market, almost all currencies will rise, and funds will slowly penetrate into each currency like a huge hourglass, starting with the big currencies. There is an obvious pattern in the rise of currency prices: first, the leading currencies rise, such as BTC, ETH, DASH, ETC, etc., and then the mainstream currencies begin to rise, such as LTC, XMR, EOS, NEO, QTUM, etc. Then the currencies that have not risen generally rise, such as RDN, XRP, ZEC, etc., and then various small currencies rise in turn. If Bitcoin rises, choose the next level of currency that has not risen to start building a position.

4. Pyramid bottom-picking method: applicable to foreseeable big crashes.

Bottom-picking method: entrust the purchase at 80%, 70%, 60%, and 50% of the currency price respectively, and carry out the position ratio according to one-tenth, two-tenths, three-tenths, and four-tenths.

5. Moving average method: you need to understand some basic knowledge of K-line.

Set indicator parameters MA5, MA10, MA20, MA30, MA60, and select the daily level. If the current price is higher than the MA5 and MA10 lines, hold it steady. If MA5 falls below MA10, sell the coin; if MA5 breaks through MA10, buy and open a position.


6. Violent coin hoarding method: Applicable to long-term high-quality coins you are familiar with.

If there is a liquid fund, for example, a certain coin is currently priced at $8, buy it at $7, and after the purchase is successful, sell it at $8.8. The profit is used to hoard coins. Liquid funds are used to wait for the next opportunity. Dynamic adjustment according to the current price. If there are three such opportunities in a month, you can hoard a lot of coins. The formula is: the opening price is equal to 90% of the current price, and the selling price is equal to 110% of the current price.


7. Iso violent compounding method:

Continuously participate in SM, when the new coin increases by 3-5 times, withdraw the principal, and then invest in the next SM, and keep the profit, and keep the cycle.


8. Cyclic band method:

Choose a volatile currency like ETC, increase the position when the price continues to fall, and continue to increase the position when it falls, and then sell it after making a profit, and so on.

9. Violent play of small coins: If you have 10,000 yuan, divide it into ten parts and invest in ten different types of small coins, preferably with a price of less than 3 yuan. Do not operate after buying, unless the increase reaches 3-5 times, otherwise do not sell, and do not sell if you are stuck, just hold it for a long time. If a certain coin rises three times, take back the principal of 1,000 yuan and invest in another small coin. In this way, the compound interest income will be exaggerated. Okay, I believe you should have gained something after reading it. Finally, as a fresh blogger, I am motivated to bring fans ashore. The process is selfless and free. Here, if you keep up, everything will become very simple. This is the truth! ! !

Pay attention, and share how to get wool in the currency circle in the next issue.

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