Eight iron rules that retail investors need to follow carefully when entering the cryptocurrency circle to protect your wealth:

1. As a novice, do not blindly engage in high-risk contract transactions to avoid rapid evaporation of funds. Stay rational and invest steadily.

2. In the process of investment, whether it is spot or contract, you must learn to stop profit at the right time. Greed will only make people lose their way, and only by stopping when you see good can you keep the fruits of victory.

3. There is no shortage of false transactions and fraud in the cryptocurrency circle. Be sure to trade in well-known and reputable exchanges. Do more research before investing and choose carefully.

4. The cryptocurrency market is changing rapidly, requiring keen insight and calm judgment. Don't expect to get rich overnight, and have a mentality of protracted war.

5. Understand the dealer's trading methods and strategies, but don't blindly follow them. Learn to counter moves and respond flexibly to market changes.

6. The market activity is relatively low on weekends, and price fluctuations may increase. Trade cautiously and avoid large operations at this time.

7. The listing of new coins is often accompanied by huge speculation risks. Don't be fooled by the superficial increase. Before participating, you must fully understand the project background and team strength.

8. After each transaction, you must review the market in time and summarize the experience and lessons. Only by constantly optimizing investment strategies and improving yourself can you gain a long-term foothold in the currency circle.

Following these eight iron laws, retail investors can also make steady profits in the currency circle and protect their wealth. Remember, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

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