What does the new high mean?

It means that buying brokerages in a bull market is a very strong logic.

However, it has fluctuated for nearly 3 months since it rose to the previous high on March 13 before breaking the new high.

If the logic of the currency you hold is strong enough, don't change it. It will always be your turn to rise.

Be patient and wait for the wind to come.

Because I earned my first A7 by relying on bnb in the last bull market.

Next, I will share a big news:

The US dollar will be decoupled from oil.

The Saudi crown prince decided not to sign the US-Saudi Security Agreement, which was due to expire on the 9th. This is undoubtedly a heavy bomb. This indicates that Saudi Arabia's oil exports will no longer rely solely on the US dollar for settlement, but can also be settled in RMB, euros, etc. This move can be regarded as a major change and challenge to the petrodollar system since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1972 and the decoupling of the US dollar from gold. This will accelerate the process of de-dollarization!

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