Maotanchang Middle School in Lu'an City, Anhui Province has once again become the focus. Despite the rain today, thousands of parents gathered at Maotanchang Middle School to see off their children who are about to take the college entrance examination.

Maotanchang Middle School is famous for its strict teaching model and extremely high undergraduate admission rate. It is reported that the undergraduate admission rate of Maotanchang Middle School has been maintained at more than 95% for a long time, which is much higher than the national average. Behind this achievement is the school's highly centralized and standardized management of students. The school is located in a remote mountainous area and lacks entertainment facilities, which provides unique conditions for the management of the school. Students live a very regular life here and spend almost all their time studying.

However, this education model has also caused controversy. Some people believe that this mechanical education may cultivate "robot"-like students and ignore the personality and all-round development of students. But on the other hand, for many students from rural families, the college entrance examination is an important opportunity to change their destiny. In the case of unequal educational resources, college entrance examination scores have become the key to their entry into better universities and a better future.

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#MaotanchangMiddle School Ten Thousand People Brave the Rain to Send Children to the Examination##MaotanchangParents Send Students to the Examination in the Rain#