Bitcoin's key pressure point 71780 is accumulating strength to break through. Once it breaks through, the subsequent increase will be very violent📈

I have clearly drawn 71780 as the pressure area of ​​Bitcoin's bullish rebound in the picture. You can see that this round of callback occurred after the pressure in the 71780 area, so the subsequent breakthrough of this area is very important. After the breakthrough of 71780, there will be no more pressure above, so the rise will become very smooth🤓🤓

Then 3720 allows everyone to do more Ethereum, and it has now reached the position of 3820. The subsequent pressure point of Ethereum is relatively close to 3852. Once it breaks through, it will inevitably hit 4000🤑🤑So the long position has a floating profit of 30,000u, and continue to hold the pattern🤑

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