Inscription PIZZA has completed 100% engraving. 🆚 DOG is fighting. Will it resonate and start the third round of inscription + rune bull market❓

1⃣️Inscription BRC20 lineage

BRC20 founder: domo

Exchange: Unisat

Main construction party: Layer 1 Foundation composed of 7 index service providers

BRC20 representatives: Ordi, sats, Pizza

2⃣️Rune lineage

Ordinals founder: casey

On-chain browser:

DOG initiator: Leonidas

Exchange: Magic Eden

Runes representatives: No. 0 UG, No. 3 DOG

3⃣️Analysis of the attitude of mainstream exchanges

Unisat: Supports rune trading, core interests, technical accumulation and commercial barriers are in brc20. There are two details. One is that before the runes came out, the five characters were officially launched. The other is that after DOG airdropped the hot rune section, it quickly launched pizza with the help of the pizza festival, spending more than 500,000 US dollars to airdrop more than 200,000 addresses. Taste it! Taste it carefully!

Magic Eden: As the top exchange of Ordinals NFT. Coincidentally, after the five-character pizza announced the airdrop plan, ME wallet announced that it would no longer support brc20. This is not to stand on the side of the runes, but to draw a clear line with the biggest competitor in the same track, unisat. Taste it! Taste it carefully!

OKX: Support both sides to see you fight, anyway, I am rich! When the market share is not as good as these two, yell three times: Why don’t users come to okxweb3 to trade? Then the app has a natural advantage and slowly eats away at the market share of the two companies! Taste it! Taste it carefully!

4⃣️The first totem represents ordi🆚0 UG

The first brc20 is Ordi, currently priced at $54.62, with a total of 21 million pieces and a market value of $1.15 billion

The first rune is 0 UG, currently priced at $1.9, 3.4 million pieces have been produced, and the total is expected to be around 100 million pieces, which will take 4 years to produce slowly!

5⃣️Fair engraving represents sats🆚0 UG

Fair engraving brc20 represents sats, more than 30,000 addresses participated in active engraving, engraved 21 million times, consuming about 20 million US dollars in gas cost; market value of $677 million;

Fair engraving rune represents 0 UG, currently more than 40,000 active etching addresses, etched 3.4 million pieces, and the final estimated 100 million pieces; it will take 4 years to produce slowly!

5⃣️Popular airdrop representative pizza🆚No. 3 DOG

DOG: 70,272 addresses, unit price 0.0093U, total 100 billion, total market value 923 million US dollars;

PIZZA: 200,738 addresses, over-the-counter price rose to 3.5U, total 21 million, initial market value 73.5 million US dollars, airdrop transaction within about 2 days.

Let's wait and see⌛️