$BTC In view of the fact that Warren Buffett has recently sold a large amount of shares to cash out, I have a hunch that the US economic crisis is imminent.

First, Buffett has escaped the top of the US stock market four times, and each time he cashed out a large amount of money before the US stock market plummeted. This time will be no exception. Secondly, the currency circle will have a big cleanup at the height of the bull market. The current economic situation of the US Treasury Department is obvious to all. The huge amount of debt it has assumed has reached a historically unprecedented height. The pressure it faces is so great. Why does it have to cut interest rates and release a huge amount of US dollars to release the market? The United States has set a sky game for the world's leeks. Buffett's stock plummeted 99.6% and said it was a system failure. Why is it at this time? I dare to predict that this is an escape drill before the crash.

The US interest rate hike is just a guise to deceive people to take it up. The car is too heavy and there are too many people. Everyone must use up their chips before they can pull it up crazily. There are many people who say that the US stock market is very strong and it is impossible to plummet. However, if we look back at the history of the US stock market, when the Internet era was just starting, there was no lack of hype about Internet concepts, saying that the Internet will definitely be integrated into life in the future. I admit that these concepts have been partially realized in today's era, but there are also many plans that have been aborted.

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