A college student made 60,000 U by playing contracts with 2,000 U, but ended up with a liquidation (from Coinsradar.net)

When I first entered the cryptocurrency circle, I was still a student. I started playing with 2,000 U. Why 2,000 U? Because the USDT Yu B Bao of a certain Yi has an annualized interest rate of 10%, but each account can only invest 2,000 U at most.

Now it should be called simply earning coins. I wanted to make some money at that time, and my friend recommended that I change my money to this certain Yi's Coin B.

I actually knew what virtual currency was a long time ago, so I decided to trust him and give it a try. At that time, I thought that the interest rate was three or four times higher than the balance pot. It happened that I had just 2,000 U by balancing my whole body and saving money by eating frugally. With 1,000 yuan left for food, I registered a certain Yi account and changed all the money in the payment pot to Yu B Bao.

In the bear market of the free currency circle, I saw that almost all the coins on the software were falling every day, and my friend was shouting in vain all day long, and he was enjoying making money.

Although the interest of Yu Bbao was already very high, because the principal was more than 10,000, my daily income was the money for a bottle of beverage. Seeing my friend making a lot of money by shorting, I asked him to teach me how to play the contract, which was as simple as gambling on the size. I was also a gambler at the time. After learning it, I played it to the fullest for the first time. The first order I opened was to short a garbage altcoin. After opening the order at night, I slept without paying attention to it. When I woke up, I saw that the account was profitable and closed it immediately. This order brought me more than 200 yuan in income, which is more than the interest of Yu Bbao in a year.

At that time, I thought that this money was as easy as falling from the sky. I directly transferred all the money in Yu Bbao to the contract account and started my contract trading career. At that time, I studied K-line, technical indicators, read various news, joined various agreed circles, listened to those serious nonsense, and watched the market except sleeping, attending classes, and eating.

My position management "is a 25% position with 10 times leverage. In addition to the normal K-line opening, I also have a special opening method. I followed my friend's account on a certain platform, and I have information when he opens a position. My friend is actually a half-baked person in trading. He brags when he makes money, and keeps silent when he loses money. He just loses and wins. Overall, he didn't make any money, but lost money.

I hope he will lose more than win if I follow him to buy, but I don't buy against him. Instead, I like to enter the market when he loses money. Some people say that this strategy has a good winning rate, and some say that I started early and was worried about the reverse indicators.

I am not suitable for trading like normal people. I not only like to carry orders, but also like to add positions with floating losses. I rarely stop losses. But it may be the protection period for novices. My luck is really good. I can carry back every time I carry orders. The winning rate is actually maintained at more than 90% (I was particularly concerned about the winning rate at that time). I can still make money with orders. In less than two months, my 2000u tripled to 6000u. I changed from a novice to a veteran. My friend, who has to learn a few hands from me.

But my friend is not a bad person. He doesn't learn technical indicators or anything else. He still opens orders based on his feelings. I have learned carrying orders clearly! Soon, you know? One night, my friend suddenly sent a WeChat message saying that all the money in his account was blown up, and he didn't have time to add margin before the position was blown up.

I had to comfort him. I glanced at the altcoin he opened and immediately opened a 20x short order above his liquidation price. After a while, the coin fell. I continued to short along this path. A week later, my assets doubled by about 10 times to 60,000 U. I felt that the risk would be evened out if I went short, and I took out the 2,000 U principal that I first invested in this currency circle and ate and drank for a few days, and also bought an Apple phone.

After a few days of rest, I thought the market had reached the bottom and planned to go long. The target was 100,000 U and then stop touching the contract and buy spot. However, once my luck ran out, I started to lose money as soon as I bought in.

I slept as usual on the first night, and the 60,000 U limit was less than 40,000 in the morning of the next day. I still felt that I could pull the market up immediately, so I added another position. Soon the K-line began to stabilize the downward trend and began to fluctuate in a range.

The next night, I couldn't sleep. I kept watching the market until the early morning. The price of the currency began to fall again and my position was about to be liquidated. I was really panicked and closed my position immediately. At this time, my account limit was more than 10,000. My account had never experienced such a large drawdown. My mind was shattered, but I still didn't give up. After the K-line fell again, I felt that it was time to buy at the bottom. I took the last 10,000 and didn't consider going all in. I opened a long position at 125 times the market price.

But my luck was really over. With such a large amount of money, I couldn't make a splash, not even a callback, and my position was blown up. In an instant, I felt that the sky was falling.

Not long after I was blown up, the violent pull-up began... I thought about it afterwards, and it appeared that I only opened a 30x leverage. As long as it didn't blow up, my more than 10,000 U could be turned into 150,000 U, hehe, about one million RMB.

Originally, the principal had been withdrawn, at least there was no loss, and several months of work were in vain, but at that time I was as desperate as a gambler. I immediately sold my new mobile phone and the laptop I bought before on Xianyu and raised a sum of money. I listened to a group friend and rushed to buy a local dog, and naturally it was zero in the end.

This story tells us that the final result of gambling dogs is "nothing" without exception. Don't fight, stop loss in time, maybe you can turn over.

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