What tools does Lao Ai use to draw charts, and how to use TradingView [hereinafter referred to as TV], have always been questions for friends.

[Lao Ai will release a series of tutorials suitable for beginners in the near future]

TV is Lao Ai’s favorite tool for many years, no doubt about it, because it is professional and the charts look comfortable, unlike AIcoin, where the charts are too compactly distributed [of course Aicoin is also very good and does not require a ladder], so TV is also the first choice for traders.

Tradingview is a price charting and analysis software that offers both free and paid options, launched in 2011 by a group of traders and software developers.

Its tagline: Track All Markets, says it all.

Tradingview allows you to view price charts of various financial markets and asset classes, including stocks, currencies, bonds, futures, and cryptocurrencies. In addition, investors can also view multiple trading products through the platform, such as stock index futures, European and American currency pairs, gold, crude oil, Bitcoin, etc.

1. Enter the official website

Website: https://cn.tradingview.com/pricing/?share_your_love=Qzzonebit

2. Filter

There are not only various global markets here, but of course, for participants in our crypto market, its biggest advantage is that we can keep an eye on the dynamics of US stocks, gold, and the US dollar at any time, and understand the market from a macro perspective.

3. Community

This is also the place that Lao Ai often recommends newcomers to go. There are many analyses of trading ideas and sharing of techniques here. However, real money requires time to observe, rather than blindly following ideas.

However, the interactivity here is not high, and the professionalism and effectiveness are not as good as those in the square.

But it is a good place for brothers who like technical exchanges

4. Drawing

The first time you enter TV, enter from the super chart. You won't need it later.

Let's take a look at the distribution. On the left are various tools, and on the top are indicators and period selection.

Pine ScriptL: TradingView has developed a proprietary JavaScript-based programming language called PineScript, which allows anyone to develop their own custom financial analysis tools.

[It is worth noting that many people who sell indicators do this, but, haha, protect your own wallet. If the indicator can make money, do you still need to sell it, hahaha]

I personally don’t have a membership because many indicators are meaningless. I tend to draw what I need myself.

As for the details of use, we will slowly optimize them later.