Odaily Planet Daily News Binance released an update on the browser plug-in that caused the asset to be hacked, saying that the user has issued the latest clarification, and there are two misunderstandings: Binance was indeed unaware of the plug-in in advance, and the KOL was not Binance's "undercover". The user said that some of the previous information was based on subjective speculation, and there were some information gaps. The Binance team said, "Binance's risk control and security teams will continue to investigate such incidents. At present, they have superimposed big data alarms and manual double confirmations on sudden price fluctuations, and will also add reminders to users; in the operation of plug-ins and the authorization of Cookies, they will consider whether to increase the verification frequency. Binance will increase security verification links according to specific circumstances and user differences. We also take this opportunity to remind all users to always be vigilant, use a clean web browser, do not install any third-party plug-ins, and log out after use."