BTC/ETH market situation: the market is rising, focus on breakthroughs, don't be FOMO, and pay attention to the decline of overbought sentiment.

Stimulated by today's data, Bitcoin in the crypto market began to rise, but the current rise should not be too FOMO, pay attention to the breakthrough of key points, after all, the current breakthrough still needs more positive sentiment to drive, and tomorrow's small non-agricultural data may become a burst point. Especially for contract users, pay attention to the risk of decline and volatility after short-term rise.

Bitcoin: Rising, pay attention to the breakthrough and stabilization of the daily line 71,300. There is no emotional encouragement in the short term, and there is a risk of decline. The decline is around 68,500.

RSI: Index 63, with the rise in prices, it will gradually reach around 70. Once it reaches 70, combined with the breakthrough of the resistance level, contract users should pay attention to the short-term decline risk.

Ethereum: Near the key resistance of 3830, pay attention to the breakthrough and stabilization.

Ethereum has come to the key 3830 in today's rise. This position is the key resistance level of the monthly line. Pay attention to the breakthrough in the short term.

Similar to Bitcoin, if the resistance level is broken through without success, we should pay attention to the short-term decline. Since there are no negative factors at present and the small non-farm data will be released tomorrow, the decline is optimistic to see the two small levels of 3800 and 3760.

RSI: The index touched 67, which is very close to 70. Similarly, when the price encounters resistance, once the index rises to 70, short-term contract users should pay attention to the decline and fluctuation.

The market data of the day will be recorded later.

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