#Bitcoin picked up Friday bullishness from stocks and opened with pump through May VAH. All that happened while Dollar Index lost Daily 20sma. So far looks bullish. Short term may expect DXY to bounce back after yesterday's dump, and that correlates with #BTC making a small dip back to ~68400. If that level holds, chart will remain very bullish.

Another bullish factor is upper trendline with 4 touches on Day TF. I bet there will be a breakout above it, regardless of its result. Liquidity there is like a magnet.

Bearish point of view - yesterday pump generated high volume, but most of shorts were closed around 68555-68700. So we may assume, that if DXY does something unexpected and pump, $BTC should drop below that area to trigger stops/liquidations and catch it back at 63-64k. That scenario is not yet visible, but its good to be prepared.

Nearest liquidity pools:

above - 70469 / 71300 / 71950 / 72795

below - 68485 / 66566 / 65640 / 64244

Lines on the chart:

🔸73881 - ATH

🔸71363 - March close

🔸70393 - last W VAH

🔸68540 - week close

🔸67750 - week high / last W VAL

🔸66239 - last week open

🔸64025 - last April week close

Trend: D ▶️ W 🔼 M 🔼

🤑 F&G : 73 < 73 < 73 < 72 < 73