How much will 100 dollars be worth in $BTC Bitcoin 🪙 in 2030?

Based on the current hypothetical price of $69,000 for #bitcoin as of April 20, 2024, 100 $USDC would buy approximately 0.0016 $BTC

If we take Cathie Wood's prediction that Bitcoin will reach US dollar for dollar. 48 million by 2030, so that 0.0016 Bitcoin would be worth about $2,368. This would mean a return of almost 5,000 percent of the initial investment.

Therefore, the value of 100 dollars of #Bitcoin in 2030 will depend on the price of #Bitcoin in the year 2030. Forecasts for the price of BTC in 2030 differ even more; Some experts believe that one Bitcoin could be worth $125,000, $130,000 or $150,000. If this happens, one can buy $100 worth of Bitcoin today and find that it will be worth $25,000, $30,000, or even $37,500 in 2030². However, these are mere predictions that should not be confused with investment advice or recommendations.