Passion always comes in the second half of the night ⚠️⚠️With the arrival of the important market in the evening! The current sideways fluctuations in the market may provide short sellers with the last strategic exit opportunity. The market trend has shown clear signs of rising. After the recent retracement confirmation, it is expected that the evening market will usher in a positive change of the classic.

Last night, due to the impact of unexpected market events, the price of ETH briefly dropped below 3800, but tonight Abi expects that the bulls will launch a strong pull-up action, aiming to break through the key resistance level of 3900, and is expected to continue to challenge new highs.

If ETH breaks through 3900 tonight, it will be one step closer to the historical high. The market is in a critical wash-out stage. I hope that fans will remain patient, maintain existing positions, and keep a calm attitude. Pay attention to Abi's posts at any time to look forward to further positive developments in the market. #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista #ETH $ETH