Odaily Planet Daily News: The Australian Federal Court exempted the fintech company Block Earner from a fine after the court ruled that the company provided a cryptocurrency income product without a financial services license. On June 4, Judge Ian Jackman ruled that Block Earner "acted honestly" and did consider obtaining a license when its income product "Earner" was launched, but its research and legal advice showed that it did not need a license. Block Earner founder and CEO Charlie Karaboga said that legal opinions were obtained before the product was released, "showing that we acted honestly and did everything we could as a startup." The judge dismissed the $234,000 (A$350,000) fine requested by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). ASIC said in a press release on June 4 that it was reviewing the decision. (Cointelegraph) Earlier in February, an Australian court ruled that the crypto company Block Earner provided the Earner product without permission.