NOT, don't go short. The risk of shorting this kind of coin will be infinitely magnified no matter whether you short it on the left or right side.

We quoted the operation near 0.021 in the article, and have given many opportunities. Even if you do it today, there is still 15% space. We mentioned two positions 0.021 and 0.026. Our breakthrough idea of ​​0.026 remains unchanged. It is still an opportunity to enter the market. If it breaks through 0.029, this coin will have a bright future.

It has been said many times before that the rising trend will not end unless the short funds are blown up, just like you don't guess the top in the bull market, you never know how much space it has, and whether it will break through the new high in one breath.

Especially remember that it is a bull market now, don't go short those coins that have broken through all resistance and are still rising sharply. The best thing is to close the low layout. Don't be a fool to prove how great you are.