The Federal Reserve has finally raised the banner of interest rate cuts! Although they tried to be cautious in their words, claiming that the interest rate cut may occur in the fourth quarter of this year, the market has already seen through the mystery, and the carnival bell is about to ring! We boldly predict that the time of this interest rate cut may be brought forward to this quarter or even earlier, and the market will usher in a feast of skyrocketing! On May 30, the speech of Federal Reserve Chairman Bostic was like a heavy bomb, which stirred up thousands of waves in the market. He said that the Federal Reserve is considering starting to cut interest rates in the fourth quarter of this year. However, in our eyes, this is just a chess move for them to try to stabilize the market, and the real action may have been put on the agenda! Don't be confused by the "official language" of the Federal Reserve! From the macroeconomic environment of weak global economic recovery and weakening inflationary pressure, the turmoil in the domestic financial market of the United States all indicate the necessity of the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. They must take action to stabilize the market, boost the economy, and restore investor confidence! Therefore, we firmly believe that the Federal Reserve will announce the decision to cut interest rates in the near future. This decision will quickly trigger a strong reaction from the market, and a storm of skyrocketing is about to sweep in! Investors will reap rich returns in this storm and enjoy the wealth freedom brought by investment!