The largest of the world's three largest financial groups is BlackRock, which manages nearly $10 trillion in assets.

The second is that Vanguard manages nearly $8 trillion.

The third one is State Street, which manages nearly $4 trillion. On Wall Street in the United States, they are called the Big Three.

The combined assets they manage exceed 20 trillion US dollars. You may not have any idea of ​​what 20 trillion US dollars means. For example, the GDP of the 27 EU countries plus Japan just reaches 20 trillion US dollars.

So where do the three giants come from?

BlackRock is quite obvious. It has eight founders, all of whom are Jewish. Its CEO is Larry Fink, known as the Godfather of Wall Street, and is also Jewish.

As for Vanguard, according to public information, its founder is the father of index funds and the idol of Buffett, who is very familiar to us. His name is John Bogle. He passed away in 2019. Whether he is Jewish or not is not known in public information, but we can find out that Vanguard was founded by John Bogle in 1974. In fact, if we check public information further, we can find that Vanguard’s predecessor was called the Wellington Fund. The Wellington Fund was established as early as 1929. Who was the founder of the Wellington Fund? His name was Walter Morgan. So after checking, we found that the real behind-the-scenes leader of Vanguard was the Morgan Consortium, which is also a Jewish consortium.

State Street Corporation is more obvious. Its top two shareholders are Vanguard and BlackRock, which can be said to be vests of the first two giants. Of course, in addition to these three giants, you can also find out by checking the equity structure that there are some vests they often use, such as Fidelity Group, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, including Goldman Sachs, Blackstone Group, etc., which are essentially buyers of the three giants. In the United States, there is an old saying that the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family, and the Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family. The Rockefeller and Morgan families were once the Rothschild family. , then since the people behind the scenes are all the same, why do we have to let the two parties fight each other? Why do we put on this drama? Of course, first of all, it is to create a democratic atmosphere, right? It is also a kind of check and balance. If these so-called elites of the United States want to get promoted, they must constantly curry favor with capital. Whoever is obedient will get promoted, whoever can lick the boss will be the boss. The political system of the United States is essentially a kind of investment thinking, that is, bilateral betting. No matter who wins, the winner is the capital behind it. Of course, this kind of bilateral betting investment concept basically runs through all the investment operations of the Jewish consortium.

For example, in the PC operating system era, Apple and Microsoft seemed to be competitors, but in fact, the real controllers were also these three consortiums, that is, they had the same owner. This included Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which seemed to be competitors, but were actually controlled by the same person. The Big Three essentially formed a monopoly through this bilateral betting. No matter how competitive the market was, they were the ultimate winners. In the food and beverage sector, in addition to Pepsi and Coca-Cola, you can see that Unilever, Nestle, etc., the world's largest food companies are also controlled and monopolized by the Big Three. In addition, the Big Three also monopolized the Internet. Internet and home appliances, as well as the motor industry, for example, Vanguard and BlackRock, they are the top two shareholders of well-known brands such as Sony, HP, and Philips, and then most of the world's automobile industry and aircraft manufacturing industry, from Ford to Hyundai to Volkswagen, from Airbus to Boeing, almost all are under the control of Vanguard and BlackRock. In terms of oil and energy, for example, the actual controllers of Shell, ExxonMobil, and BP are also the giants of the world's four major granaries and global chemical industries. The world's major food industry companies, such as Bayer, ADM, John Deere, Monsanto, etc., the actual controllers behind them are also the three giants.

The Big Three actually monopolize the world's biopharmaceutical industry. For example, the world's top pharmaceutical companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Novartis, Merck, Abbott, Glaxo, SmithKline, etc., without exception, their major shareholders are all these Big Three. At the same time, they also monopolize the global entertainment industry, such as Time Warner, which is familiar to everyone.

Comcast, the largest cable TV company in the United States, including Disney News Corporation, and the world's four largest streaming media companies including Netflix, are also the largest controlling shareholders behind them. It can even be said that the entire Hollywood is actually under the control of the Jewish consortium.

In addition, the Big Three also monopolize the world's newspaper and news industries, such as the American Dow Jones Company, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, the British News, including the UK's largest newspaper, the Sun, and the 21st Century Fox Film Studio, Fox News, and many well-known media and film companies, whose actual controllers are also the Big Three.

The actual controllers of the world's most famous textile and clothing companies are also these three giants. For example, from affordable bus cards, to ZARA, to sports brands Adidas and Nike, to luxury brands PRADA and LV, these three giants are behind them. Basically, about 90% of the high-quality companies in the United States have these three giants as their major shareholders. It is no exaggeration to say that the people of the United States, and most of the human beings in this world, from birth to death, almost everything in their lives and consumption is under the care of the three giants. Many people may wonder, why are these three giants so rich?

In fact, they first made a fortune from World War I and World War II, and then accumulated wealth through colonial plunder. For example, they plundered the wealth of our inland areas through the Opium War.

Ultimately, through wars, colonization, or drug crimes, they achieved the pinnacle of wealth that could rival a country. So what are they doing now?

They are now using the United States as a tool to use hegemony to rule the world. In addition, they are also using the dollar hegemony to spend the printed money to acquire high-quality assets around the world. It can be said that they are plundering wealth everywhere at almost zero cost.

Some people say that capital has taken control of the world, which is true.

Regarding these three giants and capital, I will not express my personal opinion. Finally, I will end today's article with a quote from Napoleon: Money has no motherland, and financiers do not know what patriotism and nobility are. Their only purpose is to make a profit.

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