I have a friend who wanted to commit suicide in 1993. ☕☕

He planned to leave after spending the 100,000 yuan he had accumulated over the years.

In the end, he didn't commit suicide. I only found out about this when he went to drink with me later.

I asked him curiously why he suddenly came to his senses.

He said that when he spent money, he realized that he had never lived alone for even a day before.

He lived by counting his money on his fingers every day, and spent every penny carefully. In this way, he only saved 100,000 yuan over the years.

I said 100,000 yuan is not a small amount, and there are many people who don't have savings.

He said it is a small amount, but how about buying a house?

I stopped talking. Everyone knows the truth. If the family can't help, how can ordinary people buy a house in a big city?

He lit another cigarette and started to talk to me about how he spent money.

He rented a luxury car and wandered around. He felt that his image did not match his appearance, so he bought expensive clothes, went for a haircut, stayed in the best hotel nearby, ate a few thousand yuan a meal that he had only seen in short videos before, and slept with a woman who was several times more beautiful than his ex-girlfriend who dumped him because of the bride price...

I didn't say that I deliberately spent the 100,000 yuan at once, I just spent money casually, spending whatever I thought of.

"You can change a woman every day. One or two thousand yuan is already very good. Three thousand yuan can even buy your virginity." He was particularly excited when he talked about women, so much so that for a moment I felt that he was a stranger.

"Do you know what I found out in the end?" He stared at me with his eyes wide open and exaggerated tone. For some reason, his expression at that time was imprinted in my mind for a long time.

I shook my head and waited for his next words.

"I spent a whole seven days like this completely casually by myself, and only spent 34,000 yuan."

His tone suddenly became excited.

"That is to say, 100,000 yuan can support at least 20 days of such life!"

"Do you understand? When you have no burden, money suddenly becomes money."

"So I don't want to die for the time being. I want to live a life without lack of money. I will try to live again. It's not too late to die if I fail this time."

His words seemed a bit crazy to me at that time. I didn't know what to say. I just felt that the wine and food on the table suddenly lost their taste. After dealing with it for a while, I said goodbye because I had something to do.

That day I felt a certain shock, but I didn’t know what I was shocked about. I could only think boringly, “It’s OK as long as he’s not dead.”

After that, I was busy with work and had no contact with him.

Until the last few months, I heard about him.

After that day, he sold the house and let his parents live back in the countryside. He also borrowed a lot of money and went to Xinjiang to farm with more than 3 million yuan.

He contracted more than 1,000 acres of land to grow grain.

Caught up with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the export grain price rose.

He stockpiled a lot of fertilizers, bought more than 2,000 tons per ton, and sold a lot of them in addition to his own use. When he sold them, the price had risen to 400 to 500 tons.

In addition, there was a subsidy per acre of land...

When I met him again, he drove a BMW 5 Series.

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