In an effort to preserve dignity in an age of surveillance, privacy coins have attracted scrutiny from regulators skeptical of anonymous transactions.

In an age where digital footprints pervade the internet, the concept of privacy has become both precious and elusive. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the digitization of human interactions, our right to privacy remains a constant amidst the ongoing technological advancement.

In the cryptocurrency space, the privacy discussion is particularly urgent as the core ideas of decentralized finance have been under scrutiny and weigh-in from regulators.

The conflicting relationship between privacy and public blockchains

Public blockchains, such as Ethereum and its various EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible chains, have made significant progress in the field of security, effectively defending against hacker attacks, ensuring the security of smart contracts, and protecting data from being leaked. However, in the pursuit of transparency and efficiency, privacy is often sacrificed.

In theory, decentralization and minimizing the collection of personal data should enhance our privacy. However, when these public ledgers hold high the banner of transparency, every transaction becomes a public display. We applaud the progress made for security, but we must also question whether the boundaries of personal privacy should be protected at the level of ensuring the safety of assets when protecting our personal privacy areas.

Privacy: A fundamental human right marginalized in finance

Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that the right to privacy should not be arbitrarily interfered with. However, the irony in reality still exists: those in high positions of power firmly protect their own privacy, but are indifferent to the privacy rights of ordinary people like us. In the financial field, this contrast is particularly obvious, where the privacy of the elite is strictly protected, while the privacy rights of ordinary citizens are constantly eroded.

The right to financial privacy is not a safe haven for criminal behavior, but a cornerstone of dignity. However, at a time when cryptocurrency regulation is still in its infancy, currencies that focus on privacy protection are in a difficult position, caught between staunch advocates of financial sovereignty and strict regulators who demand high transparency.

Privacy coins: Are they here to stay?

Monero, Zcash, and other anonymity-enhancing cryptocurrencies have attracted many privacy-conscious individuals. These currencies offer true anonymity, providing a safe haven in a surveillance-filled world. However, I am skeptical about the long-term viability of these privacy coins, as the new reality is that exchanges must now adhere to strict due diligence, which may make it difficult for pure privacy coins to find a place in the future.

The delisting of privacy coins from several exchanges heralds the arrival of this harsh new era, as the pursuit of anonymous transactions becomes a cat-and-mouse game in a world where compliance and privacy are at odds with each other, and the regulatory framework does not allow for any shade of doubt.

Privacy should not be sacrificed

As we navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency and privacy, we should reaffirm the importance of human dignity and individual sovereignty. Privacy is the cornerstone of our freedom and cannot be compromised under any circumstances. If we give it up for convenience or under pressure, we will give up a future where even the most basic anonymity cannot be guaranteed, and even the sanctity of our anonymity will be lost.

The cryptocurrency community faces a critical decision, whether it is willing to integrate privacy into its core values. We recognize the need for a framework to prevent illegal behavior, but we must also resist the impulse to abandon privacy and not dismiss it as a relic.

Instead, let us commit to a future where innovation is empowering and where the human right to privacy is not only protected but revered in the crypto space.

We must remain steadfast in our principles: because privacy is not just a convenient feature but a fundamental individual right that must be persistent, non-negotiable, and inviolable, no matter how technology advances.


At the intersection of cryptocurrency and privacy, we face a future of freedom and dignity. We must work together to ensure that technological advancement does not come at the expense of our fundamental human rights. The crypto community, regulators, and every individual should take responsibility to promote a financial ecosystem that can ensure security and maintain privacy. Let us move forward together towards a new era where everyone can enjoy the dignity of privacy. #加密货币 #隐私权 #监管