Before I joined the cryptocurrency circle, I was a tomb robber!

The most common partner in a tomb robbery team is father and son. This is a combination that has been tested by history and is mature and reliable.

And every time they go down to the tomb, the son must go down and the father must go up. Why? Because when stealing cultural relics, they must first pull the cultural relics up and then pull people up. Basically, the father will not be cruel and leave the son down, but the opposite happens from time to time. As for brothers and friends, let alone, many people can't resist the temptation in front of interests. Don't say you can, you just haven't seen the market yet.

Why say so much? Please remember that unless the project owner/dealer/big boss is your father, they will not harm you under normal circumstances. When most project owners/dealers/big bosses tell you which coin is about to pull up, don't be so hot-headed that you go all in, and then when it doubles, you still stupidly ask the project owner/dealer/big boss if you want to run away. The project owner/dealer/big boss tells you that the project that can be rushed and played may be correct, but whether to run away or not, you have to have your own brain! ! !

The only person you can trust in the cryptocurrency circle is yourself.