Many fans of $NOT asked me if I can still chase NOT now,

Can I still get on board?

I gave my conclusion directly, no

As for the reason, I will explain to you in words that everyone can understand, why not.

NOT had already reached 29 at its highest point yesterday, and its market value has reached 2.9 billion dollars. This market value has already ranked in the top 40 in the circle,

A new coin that has only been out for half a month, it has already reached the 40th place.

How much room do you think he still has?

If you have faith in him, he can reach the 30th place. At the 30th place, how much room does he still have?

According to the highest point of 29 yesterday, it only has 10 points of room.

Is the space of 10 points just for these 10 points?

Okay, even if NOT is a little more powerful and breaks through our cognition a little bit, he can reach the top 20, do you know how much room there is?

It is only one time of space, and he will reach the 20th place if he doubles again.

Do you believe this yourself? Can he reach 20? Who is in the top 20 now? Pepe, how long did it take Pepe to reach the top 20? It took a year and a half. So no matter whether he can reach the top 30 or the top 20 in terms of market value, there is not much room for him to go up. And you are now in a hurry to chase the high and get on the train, just for such a small space. Your profit and loss ratio is really a bit low. What we value most in trading is the profit and loss ratio, do you understand? Don't listen to some people who say, oh, how fierce, how fierce, rush in quickly, don't get carried away as soon as it rises, just rush in when it is fierce. In this way, you can only be a receiver forever, and from a technical point of view, the 4-hour line and the daily line have already increased in volume. Listen carefully that the volume has increased, which means that the main force has already shipped and wants to enter the market and wait for a callback. When others are crazy, we must always keep a clear mind and a calm judgment. Only with courage and strategy can we live longer in the currency circle. Okay, calm down. Ambush with me at a low position. Again, if you don’t know what to do in a bull market, click on my avatar to see Zhuye Jinluan. Bull market strategies and internal information of the cryptocurrency circle are shared with all fans for free! #山寨热点 #NOT