I didn’t want to come to Malaysia this time, after all, everyone likes to stay in their comfort zone. But I think life is about struggle, especially as a web3 practitioner and financial trader, I have adapted to the exotic environment living in Thailand or Kuala Lumpur, and I love the entrepreneurial atmosphere and slow pace of life here.

There is not so much intrigue, scheming, and social skills as in China. If a person wants to get rid of the shackles of money, he cannot make efforts for money. To control the tool of money, he must improve his spiritual energy. The environment can solve a person's state of mind.

The market is still falling, there is pressure from above, and the daily cycle of Bitcoin is still correcting, so you know what to do, and my friends who keep short positions must be calm now. Even if it is a short-term rebound, we should not take it lightly. When the market really reverses, I will tell you that the trend has changed.

In just a few months, I flew to Southeast Asia three times. It was not just a simple trip. I was always looking for opportunities for everyone. I had no choice but to position myself in such a great position. As a teacher for many years, I was used to the feeling of saving all living beings. I was the kind of person who would continue to teach until I entered another world after my death. In my heart, I was the same kind of person as Zhou Wenqiang and others.

If you don't take risks in life, you are just a salted fish, I said. Kuala Lumpur may be due to my circle. I am exposed to the source of projects. There is too much information. There are people digging for the first mine, doing private equity, dividends and rebates, and exchanges attracting new members. There are all kinds of money-making games, which are dazzling. So it is a test of a person's vision and investment research ability. Risks are everywhere. The key is whether you have the ability to arbitrage. Whether it is speculation or not, the bonus period is very important. That is, the outlet that ordinary people clamor for all day long. Without two brushes, Xiaobai will be burned to death even if he steps on the wind and fire wheels.

I meet all kinds of people, and every big shot has his or her own expertise, but this will also form a mindset that limits the scope of one's investment operations. I am not picky, as long as I can make money, I will accept anyone who comes. Haha, just kidding, although I am a third-level crossover celebrity in the business circle, I focus on deep cultivation of trading technology, and my positioning will never change.

I have visited and listened to more than a dozen projects in three days. I have to filter and control risks for you, so of course I can't make a blind choice. Just like a blind date, I compared three foreign exchange technologies the night before yesterday. After all, I will have to lead thousands of troops in the future, and I have to strictly control for my fans. The first principle of investment is to watch the old hen. The golden eggs can be small and the static can be less, but the old hen cannot be taken away by others. This is also the reason why so many Chinese projects booked tickets for me to entertain me, but I didn't even go. I was hurt too badly by the Chinese project party, so subconsciously I don't want to touch Chinese companies again, no matter how awesome it is, listed companies will stand aside, and I won't stand up for them.

This time in Kuala Lumpur, I met the boss of Ogilvy Forex, a very young and handsome man. He started out as a consultant and lecturer, and made 3.7 billion US dollars in just two years. After the collapse of Puton, he closed down and transformed into the real industry. Now he has many traditional industries in Malaysia, including casinos. People in the Southeast Asian trading circle gave him the nickname "King of Fortune". Now he has teamed up with the trader of Ubet to start a new game, but the layout is really big. The office space in Kuala Lumpur alone is several thousand square meters, and next to it is the towering twin towers, the tallest office building in Asia. This place is very expensive, and the rent must be not cheap.

But I didn’t choose to cooperate with him. Although I am optimistic about the 2024 international market, which may explode, it is not my cup of tea after all. Even if the first batch of market leaders make hundreds of millions of dollars a few months later, I will not regret it. Because I don’t want to take you to play short-term speculation. Their daily income is not low, with a dividend of 0.25% to 1% every day. It is no problem to make a profit in the early stage. The exaggerated story is also quite attractive. After all, the project party has successful experience in the past.

Malaysians are very rigorous in their work. Although they are a bit rigid and dogmatic, communication is smooth. Several senior executives of the project and I had coffee at Nanjing Street, a bustling area in Kuala Lumpur. There were old friends and new friends. Many of them have achieved great results in recent years. Some have settled overseas, and some, like me, are still shuttling back and forth between overseas and China. After all, as a Chinese, I still miss my motherland. There are many sentimental things that cannot be given up. It's a mixed feeling. Those who understand will understand.

I wanted to talk to you about the exotic customs and practices in Kuala Lumpur, but I was too busy to have time. I will send you more photos to feast your eyes. Follow the leader to see the world and expand your worldview. At 8:30 tonight, I will share with you the latest professional foreign exchange trading technology model from Kuala Lumpur in room 969157747. For partners who want to start a business, the leader will meet you in the air tonight!

I won’t say more. If you can manage your finances, why do you need to watch the market and operate blindly all day? You can get unlimited dynamics by lying down and sharing the market development team. If you can earn a million passive income per year by building a robot channel, who would still work hard to trade in cryptocurrencies? . . . . .