At the beginning of a new week, after many news last week, the market trend this week was not optimistic. At that time, two key positions of 69500/67500 were given. Technically, 69500 ​​determines the overall upward trend this week; 67500 determines the range fluctuation of the market this week. At 7 o'clock last night, the market maker supported the market and forcibly pulled the market back from below 67500. At 9 o'clock this morning, the market intervened again to pull it back above 68500. The two interventions laid the foundation for the technical improvement of the market this week. The overall range of the market fluctuated this week, with 65500 below and 70500 above. Today's trend is volatile and strong, with support below 67000 and pressure above 69500. Sell high and buy low in the range.

There is an important data this Friday - US non-agricultural employment (big non-agricultural). The release of key data last month is always accompanied by surprises. I hope there will be less interference this month. At present, the market expectation of the big non-agricultural data is higher than the previous value, so before Friday, without other negative influences, the bottom of the market will gradually rise.