《The biggest gain after zks and L0: Linea staking airdrop tutorial》

Hello everyone, I am Bird Brother (WeChat: niaovip), Layerzero and zksync are about to launch airdrops, and L0 may be in June. Our studio has not added a sign for a long time. If you ask me what other big gains can be added, I think Linea is the only one of the same level as L2 and zksync. Everyone should stake Linea for self-defense, but don’t stake on any channel. The following tutorial is carefully considered by Bird Brother. It is recommended that everyone stake on L0’s official bridge stargate. There is almost no risk. After all, it is a large project with a valuation of billions of US dollars. It is hard to say about other contracts. You can talk to Bird Brother about how to batch airdrops.


1. Open the following link to activate. You must fill in the invitation code before staking!


Invitation code: 88wSu1OUXv




2. Open the pool address of stargate and select the ETH pool with the Linea icon;




3. Enter the amount of ETH you want to stake, it is recommended to be more than 0.1ETH, and click Add;



4. Go to the following page and click "Available" to find the ETH you just staked;




5. Farm ETH to complete the pledge, select MAX to deposit all;