From the technical structure, the price fluctuates around the middle track at the daily level, and the structure is biased towards short positions. The four-hour chart fluctuates widely around the upward channel, but the overall rhythm is relatively weak. After the price rises, it is quickly withdrawn by the airdrop, and the long position on the volume column shrinks again. The moving average has also shown signs of turning around, and the short-term signals are also weakening. The rebound is

Personal suggestion:

Short the rebound in the 68500-68800 area, and the target is the 67500-67000 area. Near 67000, Duo

Short the rebound in the 3820-3850 area, and the target is the 3750-3730 area. Near 3720, Duo #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测 #etf以太坊