Pillars of Ahmed’s risk management strategy:

Only invest what you can afford to lose: Ahmed learned the hard way that the cryptocurrency market can be unforgiving. He adopted the principle of investing only disposable income, ensuring that a market downturn would not affect his livelihood.

Cold Storage to Protect Assets: After a horrific experience with a stock exchange hack, Ahmed moved his long-term holdings into cold storage. This decision protected his assets from online threats, giving him peace of mind.

Diversification for hedging bets: Ahmed has diversified his portfolio, spreading his investments across multiple cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. This approach has helped him mitigate losses when an asset underperforms.

Avoid Excessive Leverage: Tempted by the prospect of big gains, Ahmed once used high leverage, only to face a margin call during a sudden market decline. He now trades with minimal leverage, prioritizing capital preservation over speculative gains.

Continuing Education: The cryptocurrency market is constantly evolving. Ahmed stays up to date with the latest trends, regulatory changes and technological advancements. This knowledge allows him to make more calculated decisions.

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