[What do you think of the market on Monday? BTC touched 67,300 again in the early morning! The heavy data is on Wednesday! ]

2024.6.3 morning 8:42 BTC market analysis

Some cottages exploded over the weekend. The new coins that plunged sharply in the early stage are still relatively strong today, such as PORTAL/XAI/TNSR/PIXEL, etc.!

Today's intraday and early morning lows echoed, and even breaking the lows and creating another low is a trick used by the main players in Asia!

So it is safer to wait for the second step in the afternoon to see the low point during the day. It is generally not recommended to enter the market in the early morning. It is only recommended to reduce positions when rushing high, especially on Monday!

BTC attention

Support 67000/64500

Pressure 68500/69800

The 67000 line and the 68500 line can be pierced at any time under high volatility. We can use them as the first reference point to pay attention to the main trend during the day to see which of the main forces is stronger. If you can't help but want to take action, it is better to wait for a wave to give the second step neckline after the range is a more stable point during the day!

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