Monday, June 3, Bitcoin morning market insights!

It's a new week again, and a new road is opened again. May this new road be full of hope and excitement, and every step can harvest full growth and surprises! Let us meet the challenges and beauty of this week with full enthusiasm and a positive attitude.

After the sideways adjustment over the weekend, the Bitcoin market was under pressure again after a small rebound last night. The price of the currency went up to the 68509 area and then fell again. It bottomed out at 67300 in the early morning and rebounded again. It is now back to around 67800. Yesterday, the 68000-68500 area was also given for short selling. The market trend came as expected, and the short selling idea was realized again. The market is still the same market. It is still a range back and forth trend. If the range is not broken, it is still high and low, and it does not look at one-sidedness.

From the current daily line structure, the organization is still a structure of belief in doing things. The previous high pressure fell back, and the market gradually went down. As the high point continues to move down, the market will surely usher in an effective unilateral rhythm. The four-hour downward channel is still quite obvious. With the slow decline of the market, the upper range of the small cycle has also converged, which means the emergence of unilateralism. Combined with the weak rhythm of the daily line, the support below is tested again, so once the 67000 area below is substantially broken, the big cake can first see around 64000. The short-term bottoming rebound, the rebound action is not too big, you can continue to short in the morning high point, and go short at high points. If the support is not broken, you can look back at the 68500 area.

Bitcoin is recommended to short around 68000-68500 in the morning, and the target is 67000-66500.

Ethereum is recommended to short around 3800-3820 in the morning, and the target is 3700-3650.

Don't be afraid of the unknown in the distance, don't be afraid of the thorns on the road. Because it is these challenges that shape our tenacity and courage. Believe in your own strength and believe in the value of hard work. Even if you stumble, you must move forward firmly. #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析