Must-see! Academician of the currency circle: In-depth analysis of Bitcoin trends on June 3, the latest market analysis and interpretation, guard the leeks, beware of being cut!

On June 1, the long position of 67,000 was held until 68,500 last night. The holding time was indeed long enough. Fortunately, it landed safely. After two days, I finally got what I wanted and took 1,500 points of space. At present, I am shorting and waiting for opportunities. The support below is lowered and it is expected that the 67,000 mark will not be held this time, so the next long order entry point will not choose this position. I still have to say a few words. Don’t overdraw when doing contracts. Learn to wait for opportunities with short positions. Don’t open positions casually when you don’t reach the point. Don’t open positions even more if it is not a key point. Think about the principal first and then think about the profit. You must understand one The fundamental of trading is survival first, and then profit

Let's look at the market. As of 2:00 a.m. before the release of this article, the current price of Bitcoin is around 67,600, and the daily K-line is around 68,500. It is currently at the previous low, which is also the key support point. The golden section line 0.618 supports the 70,000 integer mark, and the support of the lower section line 0.5 is around 65,000. According to the previous theme thinking, this position is a key support level. If it falls back to this position and then stretches, the market will be able to digest it, which is the position of the EMA60 trend indicator support point , KDJ continues to spread downwards, plus the Bollinger Bands close, the long and short spaces shrink, and the upper and lower spaces begin to concentrate near the 68,000 mark. At this time, the market fluctuations are all above 1,000 points. MACD has not increased its funds after shrinking downward. DIF and DEA continue to spread downward from high positions. The trend has not yet been completed. It is best to prepare for both hands.

The four-hour K-line empty trend has been formed. The K-line has broken through EMA90 from above the EMA trend indicator and is expected to fall back to the support near 66,600. KDJ has formed a dead cross. The Bollinger Bands are consolidating sideways. The K-line has broken through the middle track and started to probe the lower track 67,000 support. In addition, MACD has increased its volume and started to go down after the increase in funds. It is blocked at the 68,500 mark. This wave of luring more positions has also seen a lot of momentum. DIF and DEA have closed at low levels. It is expected that they will continue to absorb funds at the bottom sideways in the short term. Remember to take precautions and manage positions well to ensure safety. Since it has come down, wait for opportunities to deploy more positions, and wait for high positions to encounter pressure before deploying short positions.

The specific reference ideas are as follows:

The entry point for long positions is 66500 to 66000, and the position is covered in the range of 65500 to 65000. The stop loss is 400 points. The ultra-short exit point is 67500 to 68500. The target position of the big trend is 69500 ​​to 70000.

The first entry point for short positions is 68500 to 68300. The defense is 39000 to 69300 to cover the position, and the stop loss is 400 points. The exit point is 67500 to 67000. The break is 66600.

The specific operation ideas are mainly based on the market data. For more information, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestions are for reference only and the risks are borne by yourself.

As a senior person in the currency circle, I have been committed to providing useful suggestions for everyone. I hope that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am earnestly advising, the road of investment still needs to be explored by yourself. Learning is endless, and the experience learned is the real wealth!

There is no need to over-demonstrate your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do your best than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk.

I am an academician in the currency circle and a warrior who strives to protect leeks. I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024. Come on!

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