You will wish you read this earlier.

It’s IMPOSSIBLE to lose in this crypto bull run.

You don’t have to be the smartest,

Or have the most money.

You just need to follow this one principle:

Have a clear reason for ENTERING and EXITING positions.

Yes it’s that simple.

Let me explain.

For example,

Let’s say you're considering buying a coin.

Instead of jumping in because BitEagle said to buy,

Ask yourself:

- Is this a good buying opportunity right now?

- Is it undervalued or overvalued?

- What is my invalidation level?

If you can identify these,

Then you will know if or NOT to make the decision.

And then do the same when it’s time to sell,

Don’t just panic sell at the first sign of trouble.

Why is this important?

Because it keeps you clear-headed and rational.

Instead of blindly following others' advice,

Question your actions.

This way you’ll have more consistent gains.

Stop following the herd and start thinking for yourself.

Your success in this Bitcoin bull run depends on it.


#BitEagleNews #BullRun