You think the cryptocurrency world is that you take out 10,000 yuan

Don't visit it for 10 years, and sell it after it reaches 1 million 😂

The real cryptocurrency world is that you put in 10,000 yuan

On the second day, there are only 5,000 left, and on the fifth day, there are only 2,000 left❗

So you reluctantly sell your money and only have 2,000 left❗

As a result, it returns to the price you opened a position a few days later

However, you can't help but buy at the bottom, and your coins become less❗

The result is that you lose less and less capital❗

Three types of people in the cryptocurrency world will never make money

First: Sell when it falls, chase when it rises, and change positions frequently, more frequently than eating

Second: There are more types of coins than his balance. When he makes money, he doesn't make enough, but when he loses money, he catches up with it.

Third: It's not wrong to get tired of the old and love the new in coin trading. He hasn't held the new concept leader for a few days, but he wants to chase the new one again. He buys and sells without thinking, chases high without thinking, and loses money becomes a habit. He gets angry and loses everything.

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Fan activity⭕10 people will be drawn in the comment area and each person will receive 1,000 BOME coins

Requirement: Click the BOME token label below to increase the position❗

After increasing the position, send "666" in the comment area

Each person can only participate once❗Randomly drawn within 24 hours⭕