Education determines a person's upper limit.


In China, the minimum income of people who go to school and those who don't is similar. People who don't go to college and work as a waiter can earn more than 4,000 yuan a month, and people who go to college and work as a white-collar worker can also earn more than 4,000 yuan.

But when you look up.

The impact of education on a person's upper limit of income is very large.


From the perspective of workers.

People who don't go to college are pure laborers. Most people who do manual labor can earn about 150,000 yuan a year, which is already the upper limit of income. Those who earn 200,000 or 300,000 yuan a year by manual labor are the top of the top.

But for people who go to college, if you look at the workers in large companies, their starting salary is 200,000 yuan. After working for a few years, they can earn 500,000 or 700,000 yuan. Just like now, it is said that large companies are not as good as before, but the salary of large companies is still higher than that of other industries. If you want to work in large companies, education is very important.


From the perspective of the boss.

For those who did not go to college, the ceiling for starting a business is also very limited. To put it in a more mysterious way, it feels that people who have not been to college do have a narrower vision, which leads to the fact that they usually cannot move up when they become small bosses. Therefore, most bosses without education generally do not have a large scale.

If you look at those who have gone to college, when they start a business, the ceiling is very high. For example, Liu Qiangdong, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Liu Chuanzhi, Li Yanhong, etc., generally have college education.