This weekend was not simple! Three major events happened. Will Bitcoin fall sharply next week with the non-agricultural data?

Today, Bitcoin broke through 68,000 US dollars, with a daily increase of 0.49%. The market volatility is still relatively large. The crypto circle was not calm over the weekend. Three major events occurred, which may affect the trend of Bitcoin next week:

The first thing: CZ has begun serving his sentence in a federal prison in California. Because CZ failed to maintain an effective anti-money laundering procedure in November last year, he was sentenced to 4 months in prison in April this year.

Today on the X platform, I saw many KOLs gave blessings to CZ and forwarded CZ's photo of "may the force be with you". I believe that in 4 months, CZ and Binance will have new opportunities.

The second thing: Musk posted a statement on the X platform to clarify that he had never discussed cryptocurrency with Trump. There were rumors that Trump discussed cryptocurrency with Musk and even said that he would let Musk take an important position after his election.

In fact, when the news first came out, I guessed it would be fake news. Musk is well aware of his influence and will not deliberately express his preference for a candidate in such a sensitive period before the election, let alone use this to promote a certain concept of currency.

The third thing: Salvadoran President Nayib, who supports Bitcoin, started his second term today.

Five years ago today, Nayib was sworn in as the President of El Salvador, becoming the first Bitcoin president, and announced that Bitcoin officially became the legal currency of El Salvador.

In addition, there will be more important news next week. The highlight is the US non-agricultural data and unemployment rate data released once a month at 20:30 on Friday night, which will play a key role in the expectation of interest rate cuts in the second half of the year. The May ADP data, commonly known as the "small non-agricultural data", and the unemployment claims data on Thursday will also be released on Wednesday night.

It is expected that next week's non-agricultural data will affect the trend of Bitcoin. The previous value is 3.9%, and the expected value is 3.9%. If it exceeds expectations, it will be positive, and if it is lower than expectations, it will be negative.

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