The three bad habits of speculating in cryptocurrencies in the crypto circle, do you have any?


When you see the intraday rise, you get excited, it starts, and it will rise sharply. You are afraid of missing out, so you chase it all at once, without observing the position of the coin, the shape, the fundamentals, whether the volume is sustained, and you stand guard as soon as you buy.


It is exactly the opposite of the above. When the intraday coin price drops sharply, you sell it immediately, without considering the intraday acceptance and volume, and you cut your losses immediately. Once you cut your losses, you cut the floor. The biggest problem with the above two points is that the mentality is unstable and you are swayed by emotions. Investment is a business that pays attention to probability. It requires a certain rationality. Emotional thinking will not make good investments.


Can't hold it when it rises, and hold it when it falls? Many people lose 5 points on a coin and are indifferent, lose 10 points and wait for a rebound, or keep covering their positions in a downward trend. Covering their positions is itself a wrong transaction. There is also a kind of people who have been trapped for a long time, and suddenly one day they are freed from the trap, and the volume is stretched. The next day, there is a small drop, and they immediately run away. As a result, the price rises to the sky, and they sell it at a loss. This is a common problem for most people! #BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, click to follow me Zhuyefang Wumen Kanqunli to publish market analysis and recommend high-quality potential currencies every day.