Pay attention to the weekend's alt market:

I said on Friday that the stabilization of the market would give alts a chance over the weekend. Sure enough, there was a turnaround in alts over the weekend. Let's take a look at the data of alts.

At 8:00 am on June 1, the total market value of ALT was 1330.606 billion.

At 16:00 pm on June 2, the total market value of ALT was 1336.749 billion, and the market value increased by 6.1 billion.

At 6:00 am on June 2, ALT reached its weekend peak of 13450.9, and the market value increased by 14.484 billion compared with June 1.

The total market value of known stablecoins over the weekend was 161.4 billion.

At 8:00 am on June 1, the market value of Ethereum was 452.758 billion, and the market value of alts was 1330.606-1614-452.758=716.502 billion.

At 16:00 pm on June 2, the total market value of Ethereum was 455.834 billion, and the market value of alts was 13367.49-4558.34-1614=7195.15 billion,

At 6:00 am on June 2, the total market value of Ethereum was 4583.27, and the market value of the altcoin was 13450.9-1614-4583.27=7253.63 billion,

From the above data, it can be seen that the market value of the altcoin increased from 7165.02 on Saturday morning to a peak of 7253.63 at 6 am on Sunday, and then to 7195.15 so far.  The current market value of the altcoin increased by 3.013 billion compared with Saturday, and at 6 am today, the peak market value gap was 88.61.

In terms of market share, Bitcoin increased by 0.1%, Ethereum increased by 0.1%, stablecoins weakened by 0.01%, and the share of the altcoin decreased by 0.19%.

Finally, the altcoin has improved over the weekend, but don't be too Fomo. The general trend still depends on the overall market sentiment next week. For the current situation, it is still better to watch more and do less.
