If you are looking for a coin that is unlikely to lose money on the secondary market in 2024, ORDI may be an option worth considering. The current price of ORDI is $46.1, down 1.39% from yesterday. If you want to make steady profits, then buying ORDI in the current price range may be a good choice.
ORDI has very important symbolic significance and milestone significance in the field of inscriptions, runes and BTC decorations. As a truly fair meme inscription, the rise and fall of ORDI has a significant impact on the entire inscription and rune circle market. When inscriptions and rune circles explode, investors often choose to buy some ORDI at the bottom as one of their strategies.
After observation, I found that 30-40 US dollars is the price range that dealers often appear when washing dishes. This profit-loss ratio is very high, which is a relatively safe entry point with great potential for investors. Assume that the banker completes the position between 30-40 US dollars, and may briefly drop to more than 20 US dollars for the final wash, but this is not important to the banker, because their cost still remains at 30-40 US dollars.
Normally, this kind of currency needs to double to barely cover the cost, and when it triples, it starts to generate considerable profits. Based on the current market situation and the potential of ORDI, we can estimate that before the end of this round of ORDI bull market, its lowest price should be between 85-120 US dollars. Of course, higher prices depend on overall market trends and luck.
Finally, don’t ignore the potential of meme track leaders like DOGE and PEOPLE. These currencies have strong influence in the market and a broad investor base, and are also worthy of investors' attention.