I'm glad that you chose to join the cryptocurrency circle at this exciting moment. It is the middle of the bull market in 2024, and the interest rate cut craze indicates the activeness and prosperity of the market. This is an era full of opportunities. Even in this ever-changing field, it is possible to achieve several times the return by choosing the right cryptocurrency and holding it for half a year.

However, we must also realize that not everyone can be so lucky. There is one of our fans who bravely stepped into the cryptocurrency circle at the end of 2021, but unfortunately, he encountered the market trough, such as the 5.19 crash and the zero crisis of LUNA. These setbacks made him exhaust his savings for many years in just a few months, and even had to rely on loans to make a living.

But this fan was not defeated by difficulties. He chose to learn and have a deep understanding of the market. At the beginning of this year's bull market, he made a decision to sell his ORDI. Although ORDI later rose by 30 times, he was not discouraged. On the contrary, he joined us more firmly and started a new journey.

Here, he seized the opportunities of projects such as ORDI, WLD, and people, successfully obtained 3 times the return, and began to gradually return the original investment. Although the previous losses have not been fully recovered, his persistence and courage have already made us admire him deeply. He often looks back on the past and thinks that if he had more courage and patience, he might have realized the first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle long ago.

However, the recent market fluctuations have shaken this fan a little. When ORDI fell from 68U to 31U overnight, our strategy was to buy firmly at 30U+d and expect to make at least 40% profit at 51U. But unfortunately, he missed this opportunity because he believed some rumors of zeroing.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that investment is risky, but as long as we stay calm, make clear trading plans and strictly implement strategies, it is possible to move forward steadily in this cryptocurrency circle full of opportunities. If you want to achieve wealth growth steadily, then please join us, make and implement trading plans together, and slowly get rich in the cryptocurrency circle together.