$PEOPLE Once the popularity of a currency that is purely supported by popularity reaches a certain peak, it will parabola to a certain high position and then rush down. Now many partners can no longer bear it and start chasing the rise. Soon these people who are overwhelmed by the high will pay a painful price. Last night, people had a rebound. Many times, you just need to be smart. In this market, you can make good profits. Remember not to chase high. The People coin has a strong takeover. People coin is the coin I can hold recently. I feel that it will hit the top again, but the probability is not high. It should have reached the top. For the time being, I will wait and try it. I will be greedy. Unlike other meme coins, PEOPLE has a floor price and is closely related to ETH. Click on the avatar to follow me. The top 5 of Binance Copy Square can be verified at any time. The contract is safe, look at the point, share for free, give the point every day, the winning rate is more than 90% #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #people创新高