Let’s talk about it based on our experiences today.

Improving the utilization rate of funds is the key. Leverage and contracts are double-edged swords. If used well, they can make you rich overnight, but they can also turn you into a loser in seconds. Be cautious when using leverage with small funds, and don't let yourself get killed all at once. The market changes quickly, so it is important to be well-informed. Keep an eye on the candlestick chart, learn to read the trading volume and market sentiment, as this information is much more reliable than what most analysts say.

When the market comes, you should go all in, don't hesitate. If it goes up, pull it up, if it goes down, run away, never fight to the end. Young people should go all in, don't be timid. Heavy short-term positions are a good way to make quick money, but you must be cautious. Only when you see opportunities such as a breakout or a major uptrend is it worthwhile to go all in. Don't rush to spend the money after making it, use it to increase your position, and the way to make money is to make more money.

Patiently waiting is the crocodile tactic, which is indeed a good strategy. Patiently wait for the best time in the market, do not trade frequently, avoid handling fees and mental explosion. Stop loss is a life-saving talisman, run away if you make a mistake, don't hold on, those who can run are the winners. Pursue a high winning rate, but do not trade frequently. Frequent operations are easy to be killed by handling fees and emotions. Focus on big opportunities, less is more.

Learn technical analysis and fundamental analysis, know how to see trends and hot spots, don't just look at the charts, but also understand the story behind the project. Keep a calm mind, the market ups and downs are normal, only calmness can last for a long time. Diversify risks, don't bet on one at a time, make your investment portfolio reasonable, and leave yourself a way out.

In terms of specific operations, I will give you a few more practical suggestions. Keep an eye on new projects and trends. The hot spots in the cryptocurrency circle change quickly, and new projects emerge in an endless stream. Pay more attention to the launch of new coins on major exchanges and the dynamics of project parties, and be the first to make arrangements. Participate in airdrops and reward activities. Many projects will have airdrops and reward activities. This is free money. Pay more attention and participate more. Use social media and community intelligence. Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and other places are rich in intelligence. Stay in the community to understand the latest trends and market sentiment.

Finally, a reminder that the cryptocurrency world is risky and you should be cautious when investing.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, stay flexible and be ready to run at any time.

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