Odaily Planet Daily News: Tether co-founder Brock Pierce said that as the government strives to attract the crypto industry back, he is considering returning to Hong Kong, China for the third time to work and consider introducing a new business to Hong Kong. Brock Pierce did not disclose what his new business will do and whether Hong Kong will be its new headquarters. Brock Pierce said: "This may bring big things. I will go to the place where I think it is most worth spending time. I am passionate about what is happening in Hong Kong, which means I am passionate about working here, which also means that there is a high possibility of something happening at the moment." Brock Pierce co-founded the stablecoin Tether in Hong Kong ten years ago, sold his shares in 2015, and left the company a year after its establishment. His first foray into the virtual currency field was through Internet Gaming Entertainment, a company he founded in Hong Kong, which sold virtual currencies traded in games. In 2012, he sold his other company, Zam, a video game community building company founded in 2003, to Tencent Holdings. (South China Morning Post)