RAM Price Analysis

The price formation mechanism of RAM price is very different from that of other assets. It can be said to be unique and has great research value and reference significance. First of all, the inverse mechanism of Bancor Protocol. This Price is abbreviated as P. It is actually obtained by dividing the increasingly larger EOS numerator pool by the increasingly smaller remaining RAM denominator pool. This determines that the price fluctuation will be more drastic in the future. P=total number of EOS purchased/remaining memory. Secondly, in the typical BTC, when you buy a BTC, it means that the other person loses a BTC but gets your money. When the price rises, the person who originally holds BTC actually loses money. This is a zero-sum game. Only one of you can make money. As for RAM, when you buy RAM, your money is not given to anyone else, but the system helps you save it. The system will never run away, nor is it a coin, and it is not affected by policies. When you want to sell RAM, it is always there ready to give you money. This is the legendary human-computer interaction, single-coin transaction, unique in the currency circle. When the price rises, everyone makes money together and is happy. This is the game of peace. When you want to buy BTC, people who hold BTC want to sell it to you, which will be a resistance to price increases. When you want to buy RAM, all RAM holders do not need to sell it to you. You buy it from the system, and the system is a security protection protocol. The more you buy, the system will increase the price according to the Bancor protocol, treating you as a hacker. This is why RAM rises faster and faster in the later period, so you need to plan ahead to get on board. So, RAM is very exciting in the later period, and it is far from the singularity now. On the other hand, in the early days of BTC, due to the low unit price, small funds can be doubled. In the later period, the amount of funds required for doubling has become larger and larger. But RAM is just the opposite. The later it is, the less funds are needed to double. Isn't it strange?

#ram #eos #btcl2

Paper airplane search: ramtomoon