Prediction for NOT/USDT

Current price: **0.016404**, up **39.39%** in the last 24 hours. The price peaked at 0.016865 and has slightly retraced.

**Key Indicators:**

- **Moving Averages (MAs):**

- MA(7): 0.016051

- MA(25): 0.014617

- MA(99): 0.012902

- **RSI:** 74.186246 (overbought territory)

- **Volume:**

- 24h Vol(NOT): 42.26B

- 24h Vol(USDT): 580.37M

- **Order Book:**

- Bid: 85.86%

- Ask: 14.14%


- **Bullish Indicators:** Significant 24-hour increase, high trading volume, strong buy sentiment (bid-ask ratio), and short-term MA above medium and long-term MAs suggest a continued upward trend.

- **Bearish Indicators:** RSI is overbought, signaling potential for short-term pullback or consolidation. The recent retrace from peak indicates some selling pressure.


The price may continue to rise but could face resistance at 0.016865. Expect potential short-term pullbacks due to the overbought RSI.

**Key Levels:**

- **Support:** 0.016051 (short-term MA), 0.014617 (medium-term MA)

- **Resistance:** 0.016865 (recent peak)


- **Traders:** Consider taking profits near resistance and look for buying opportunities on pullbacks.

- **Long-term Holders:** Maintain positions but be cautious of short-term volatility.

Always conduct further analysis and consider external factors before making trading decisions.