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Manta Network is a modular blockchain for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, with fast Prover efficiency and decentralized trusted settings, bringing programmable privacy to Web3.

Its core products and technical components, including zkNFTs and MantaPay, as well as zkSBT with privacy functions and privacy wallet Manta Wallet, provide users with friendly, accessible and powerful ZK applications.

Manta Pacific is a modular L2 ecosystem that provides users with EVM-native ZK applications and dapps with low cost and high-quality experience.

Leveraging Manta's universal circuits to implement ZK as a service and Celestia's modular data availability to provide low gas fees, Manta Pacific provides a good environment for ZK-enabled applications.

$MANTA is widely regarded as an excellent blockchain protocol that is committed to strengthening the security and privacy of data. This platform not only achieves compatibility with leading blockchains such as Ethereum and Polkadot, but also provides users with a platform for secure storage and sharing of data. What is particularly noteworthy is that Manta effectively solves the problems of poor scalability and high transaction fees faced by Ethereum in the past. Some people believe that Manta is almost omnipotent in protecting data privacy and improving performance. In the blockchain world, Manta's influence is increasing, and its future development potential is full of expectations.
