Although the market is very good now and many coins are performing well, why can't retail investors make money? Because either they have a good pattern, or they can't make money, and short-term investors can't make money. Every time they make a little money and run away, but in an instant, there is a 20cm big positive line. Reflect on whether you can make money in the long run? The answer is that you may make money by luck, but you will only lose it by strength.

How can you avoid it? First of all, if you are optimistic about a currency, you must at least hold the rising trend to the end. For example, if a currency is in an upward trend and you buy it at a low price, at least you have to get the peak signal before considering taking profit, but you must reserve stop loss space. After all, the market is unpredictable, especially in the case of maximizing profits, how to set the stop loss is also very important. If you don't set it, it is easy to lose all your previous efforts.

Then you must dare to roll the position, especially as long as the price keeps rising, you can keep covering the position, and the premise is that the stop loss must be moved at any time, and each time you must leave a space with the current price, including judging the position of the retracement support, so as to grasp a period Your profit in the upward trend is very objective

In fact, contracts are highly leveraged. I think they are more suitable for small funds to make a small bet for a big gain. Large funds are not recommended to play contracts. I used to open a code with a guarantee of tens of thousands of dollars. It is true that I may make a lot of money at one time, but the loss is the same. It is not proportional. On the contrary, I am more of a gambler. The larger the position, the more it will affect the mentality

At present, it is very comfortable to open a few thousand dollars of margin at a time. Every time you grasp a trend, the profit is also good. Even if you are wrong, at least you can make a big profit with a small bet. You may be able to withstand several small losses, and the large profit of the position will be withdrawn faster

Of course, all of the above prerequisites require a certain technical indicator foundation. At least you must be able to judge the support and pressure lines. If you don’t know how to do it or can’t do it, then I suggest you arrange a VIP. At least I will remind you to get on the bus, cover the position, and get off the bus at any time, including the support level and pressure line, as well as the hot spots of the sector and the rotation order of the currency for your reference

If you don’t know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you pay attention to me. Whether it is spot or contract, a slight shot may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it!Success does not depend on luck, choice is more important than hard work, and circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already half successful in the currency circle!