#MtGox钱包动态 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析

Wang Zhiwen has a classic line that hits the human nature directly: "Drinking wine can't make friends, smoking can't drive away loneliness; complaining can't get sympathy; complaining can't change fate; showing off can't bring happiness, spraying can't quench hunger and thirst.

Living like an ant, you should have lofty ambitions; life is as thin as paper, you should have an unyielding heart. No matter how beautiful the words of your friends are, they are not worth a few pieces of silver. In this cold and indifferent world, if you are not strong, everything is nothing."

In a cold and indifferent world, others will not empathize with you. What you need is your own strength. If you are not strong, you can only suffer.

Everyone is an independent individual, and no problem will be solved by your confession or your resentment. It ultimately depends on whether you have the chips to exchange with others.

As Mo Yan said: "Your relationship with anyone does not depend on how good you are to others, but on your strength and the number of chips in your hand."

In this world where wine is exchanged for wine and tea is exchanged for tea, others are mostly cold-eyed and mocking. If you live well, someone will be jealous, and if you live poorly, others will laugh at you.

Hayao Miyazaki once said: "No matter how you live, there will be people who talk about you. We only come to this world once, eat the food we want to eat, meet the people we want to meet, see the scenery we like, and do the things we like."

Everyone is crying and insisting. Don't think that anyone will help you unconditionally, and don't think about using your humbleness to exchange for others' sympathy.

Therefore, what you can do is to be a strong self and make yourself valuable, so that you will not consume yourself in the world of others. The truly strong people have long known that only when they have the ability and capacity can they have the confidence and the qualifications to exchange with others on an equal basis. They do not dwell on bad people and bad things, but work silently, ignore those things that make them unhappy, treat them with a calm and rational attitude, do not force them, and let themselves be deeply familiar with human nature.