It means that you will see a dark horse in the next few days, that is ena. Let me talk about the logic of bullishness. First of all, the price of this coin is around 0.88. Once it breaks through 0.97, there will be a large-scale accelerated rise, at least 30% or more, so this is also an opportunity.

The bullish logic is mainly the bottoming signal at the daily level. The shape is a standard head and shoulders bottom shape, and this shape generally appears at the bottom. The distance from the last head and shoulders bottom shape is bonk, and then the increase has doubled, so don’t underestimate the strength of the head and shoulders bottom shape.

The long position must be held firmly, at least until next Monday, and the short-term price fluctuation upward will test the neckline pressure position, which is also a hurdle that the head and shoulders bottom shape must break through. As long as it breaks through the upper sea, the sky will be wide open. Focus on Ena#ena in the next few days