According to Foresight News, Polyhedra Network responded to Matter Labs’ previous commitment to ZK as follows: “1. zkSync showed the exchange the ZK trademark application and tried to grab the ZK code through the ZK trademark application. This was not for defensive purposes; 2. There is no evidence that Vitalik supported Matter Labs in the trademark application. In fact, ZK inventors Silvio Micali and Shafi have expressed opposition to the ZK trademark; 3. In other fields, such as artificial intelligence, everyone can call it AI. However, no individual or company can register the AI ​​trademark because no one can truly represent or monopolize AI. If we allow a company to apply for the ZK trademark, it will set a bad precedent for the industry. Fortunately, Matter Labs’ application has not yet been approved. We are speaking out here to raise industry awareness that this behavior must be stopped. I hope Matter Labs will not monopolize under the banner of community and industry development, and please withdraw the ZK trademark application.”